We present a 16-month-old boy with developmental delay, minor anomalies, sm
all penis, and lymphedema of the upper limbs. Routine cytogenetic analysis
suspected a duplication of 5q, Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) wit
h a cosmid probe (MCC at the 5q22 APC region) showed tandemly duplicated fl
uorescent signals on one of chromosomes 5, whereas FISH with three YAC prob
es (TYAC12 at 5q35, HTY3182 at 5q34, and TYAC139 at 5q31) did not give dupl
icated signals. These findings indicate a duplication of 5q22 band in one c
hromosome 5, The boy we describe here is the first case of a pure partial d
uplication of 5q to be proven by FISH techniques. A review of previously re
ported cases of putative partial 5q duplication showed no consistent phenot
ype. Am. J, Med, Genet. 83:361-364, 1999. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.