Extracellular A beta-amyloid and intraneuronal paired helical filaments (PH
Fs) composed of tau protein are the neuropathological hallmark of Alzheimer
's disease. A beta is a 39- to 43-residue peptide derived by cleavage of a
695- to 770-amino-acid membrane-associate glycoprotein (termed beta-protein
precursor, beta PP). Following the observation that an antiserum to an epi
tope located between residues 713 and 723 of beta PP770 (ie, the transmembr
ane region of the beta PP distal to A beta) labels PHFs and that a syntheti
c peptide homologous to residues 713 to 730 of beta PP770 (beta PP713-730)
is highly fibrillogenic and interacts with tau in vitro, it has been hypoth
esized that beta PP fragments other than A beta may feature in the pathogen
esis of Alzheimer's disease concurring with neuronal degeneration. To inves
tigate this issue, we have analyzed the effects of the exposure of primary
neuronal cultures to the synthetic peptide beta PP713-730. Cultures were pr
epared from rat hippocampus on embryonic day 17 and incubated with the pept
ide at 2.5 to 30 mu mol/L concentration for 1 to 4 days, Cell viability was
compared with that of control cultures exposed to a scrambled sequence of
the peptide. A 4-day exposure to 20 mu mol/L beta PP713-730 resulted in alm
ost complete neuronal loss, whereas no changes were observed with the scram
bled peptide. Degenerating neurons showed DNA. fragmentation by agarose gel
electrophoresis and apoptotic changes by light and electron microscopy, Th
ese findings support the view that beta PP sequences other than A beta may
play a role in nerve cell degeneration in Alzheimer's disease.