The aim of this study was 1) to investigate the validity of repeated estima
tions of blood flow using colored microspheres (CMS) and 2) to develop and
validate a method that permits four consecutive estimations in the same ani
mal using nonradiolabeled microspheres (NRMS). Several mixtures of differen
t types of microspheres were injected in dogs, with each mixture containing
the radiolabeled microspheres (RMS; labeled with Sn-113) with either three
CMS, four CMS, or three CMS and one type of fluorescent (crimson labeled)
microsphere (FMS). The blood flows estimated with the use of any of the inj
ected microspheres were compared with those measured using the RMS as the "
gold standard." The results were analyzed by 1) regression analysis, 2) var
iance analysis (ANOVA I), and 3) estimation of the limits of agreement betw
een RMS and NRMS flow rates. The results indicate that simultaneous estimat
ions of blood flow obtained with the use of more than three CMS lack accura
cy and reliability. A combination of three types of CMS with crimson-labele
d FMS, however, offers the possibility to estimate consecutively four diffe
rent flow rates in the same animal in an accurate way and with relatively h
igh precision.