Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma (E.M.C.) is a rare low-grade salivary gl
and neoplasm that occurs in both major and minor salivary glands. It is cha
racterized by tubular and solid growth pattern with a dual cell population
including an inner layer of epithelial cells which are peripherically bound
ed by a layer of clear myoepithelial cells. This differentiation is confirm
ed by electron microscopic and immunohistochemical studies. The differentia
l diagnosis included clear cell tumor of the salivary gland and metastatic
renal carcinoma. The majority of these tumours arise in the parotid in wome
n with a peak incidence from the 6th to the 8th decade. We report a case of
parotidic E.M.C. in a 33 year old man.