VPN DESIGNER is a software tool for the design of intranets or virtual priv
ate networks (VPNs) on a service provider's infrastructure. The design allo
cates bandwidth on each link of the infrastructure to the VPNs such that, w
hen the traffic of a customer is optimally routed over its VPN, a weighted
aggregate measure of carried bandwidth over the service provider's infrastr
ucture is maximized. Thus, this is a joint resource allocation and traffic
routing problem. The traffic modeling is at the flow or call level, and the
network is modeled as a multirate loss network, with effective bandwidth e
ncapsulating all packet-level behavior. Scalability of the design process-t
hat is, the ability to handle OC3 and higher rates-is an important contribu
tion, and this is achieved by the systematic use of asymptotic techniques.
VPN DESIGNER is written in C++ and runs on any UNIX* platform. We report on
numerical results for a network having 8 nodes, 24 OC3 links, 6 services,
up to 640 routes, and 8 VPNs.