An index which gives a quantitative measure of the degree of sharing o
f an electron between two points in space in systems containing many e
lectrons is introduced. This sharing index, denoted by I(zeta;zeta') i
s defined as the absolute value squared of the matrix element of a sha
ring amplitude, [zeta;zeta'], which in turn is the square root of the
first-order density matrix. These quantities are invariant under trans
formations of the orbitals in terms of which the wavefunction is typic
ally expressed and are independent of the basis set provided it is suf
ficiently complete. The sharing amplitude has many of the characterist
ics of a wavefunction. By integration of the sharing index over volume
s assigned to atoms, indices which measure the degree of sharing of an
electron between atoms in molecules are found. Bond indices (numbers)
are shown to be twice the value of the atomic sharing indices. On the
basis of this, prototype double and triple bonds have bond indices of
2 and 3. That the sharing index automatically accounts for the interf
erence and/or the localization of the electron is illustrated by the v
alues of the bond indices for He-2+ and for He-2, calculated using eit
her delocalized orbitals or using localized orbitals. One consequence
of interference is that the contributions of antibonding orbitals to t
he sharing indices tend to cancel the contributions of bonding orbital
s. To further illustrate the present definition, the values of the bon
d indices are found for the first excited 1SIGMA(g)+ state of H2 and f
or the pi-electrons in benzene and in 1,3-butadiene in the Huckel appr
oximation. The present bond indices for the pi-electrons differ from t
he covalent bond indices recently defined by Cioslowski and Mixon. In
the case of benzene, the procedure of these authors leads to an infini
ty of sets of equivalent localized orbitals, each set giving different
values for the covalent bond indices and each set breaking the symmet
ry of the benzene wavefunction. In contrast, the bond indices arising
from the sharing indices retain the underlying symmetry of the wavefun
ction. The covalent bond indices for 1,3-butadiene, a case in which th
ere is no broken symmetry, all differ from those obtained from the sha
ring indices. The relation between bond indices and the bond orders of
Coulson, in the Huckel approximation, is found to be similar to that
between the sharing index and the sharing amplitude. The addition of c
orrelation to a simple molecular orbital wavefunction for the ground 1
SIGMA(g)+ state of H2 is shown to decrease the interatomic sharing at
the equilibrium internuclear distance. At large internuclear separatio
ns the addition of correlation results in the expected value of zero f
or the interatomic sharing, in contrast to the nonzero value for a sin
gle determinant wavefunction. A volume-point sharing index is defined
by integrating the point-point sharing index over but one index. A sim
plified description of the electronic structure of benzene, including
sigma-electron contributions, demonstrates how this volume-point shari
ng index can be used to discuss in quantitative detail the geometry of
the sharing of electrons which are associated with an atom. This part
icular sharing index therefore gives a microscopic picture of the shap
e of the valence of an atom in a molecule. Again using a simplified de
scription of benzene, we show that the two point sharing amplitude its
elf gives a clear indication of the degree to which electrons are loca
lized at various points in a molecule, e.g., in the regions traditiona
l associated with sigma- or pi-bonds, in the core region surrounding a
nucleus, etc. These amplitudes can then be interpreted in terms of su
ch familiar concepts as s-p hybridization, localized orbitals, delocal
ized orbitals of which an example is the pi-orbital contribution in be
nzene, and so on. Unlike orbitals, however, the sharing amplitudes and
sharing indices have the virtue that they depend only on the complete
many electron wavefunction. They therefore describe, at the one elect
ron level, the electronic structure of a many electron system in a fas
hion which is invariant to orbital transformations. The present indice
s are quite general and are not limited in applications to electrons i
n molecules.