The role of nasal infection in the transmission of leprosy has been extensi
vely studied. Leprosy can affect the paranasal sinuses due to mucosal conti
nuity and bacillaemia. This prospective study was performed on 25 untreated
patients with lepromatous leprosy. 5 mm contiguous axial and coronal CT se
ctions of paranasal sinuses, on soft tissue and bone windows, were obtained
in all patients. Each sinus was examined for mucosal thickening, soft tiss
ue densities and bony outlines. Representative biopsies were taken from eth
moid sinus to confirm the radiological diagnosis in 12 patients with multip
le paranasal sinus involvement. Ethmoid aircells were involved in 20 patien
ts (80%). Maxillary, frontal and sphenoid sinuses showed abnormalities in 1
2, four and three patients, respectively. The ethmoid biopsy showed involve
ment by lepromatous leprosy in seven of 12 patients (58.3%). Involvement of
paranasal sinuses is common in lepromatous leprosy and is of considerable
epidemiological significance.