Let sigma be a skew pairing on the pair (B, H) of Hopf algebras, and A a le
ft (B, H) bicomodule algebra. A new algebra A(sigma), called the twisting p
roduct of A, is obtained by alternating the multiplication of A using sigma
and the coactions on A by B and H. sigma induces a skew pairing <(sigma)ov
er cap> (BxB(oop) HxH(op)), and the regular comodule structures of B and H
induce a left (BxB(oop), HxH(op)) bicomodule algebra structure on BxH, and
the associated twisting product (BxH)<(sigma)over bar> is a Hoof algebra, w
ith the tensor coalgebra structure; moreover, A(sigma) remains a left (BxH)
<(sigma)over bar> comodule algebra. In particular, a description of the Dri
nfeld double is obtained from the twisting point of view. In addition, smas
h products appear as special cases. Dually, the construction of twisting co
products is introduced by using copairings, and the Drinfeld quantum codoub
le and some smash coproducts are described.