We reviewed 19 cases of hepatosplenic cat-scratch disease at Texas Children
's Hospital (Houston). The range of the patients' ages was 2 years 4 months
to II years 8 months. The chief complaint was fever for all patients. The
duration of fever before diagnosis was 7 to 56 days (mean, 22 days). Abdomi
nal pain was present in 13 patients (68%). Thirteen children were treated w
ith rifampin alone, and three received rifampin therapy plus gentamicin or
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Once rifampin therapy was initiated alone or
in combination, improvement was noted within 1 to 5 days (mean, 2.6 days)
for patients who had had prolonged fever the duration of which before rifam
pin therapy averaged 3 weeks. The most common dosage and duration for our p
atients were 20 mg/[kg . d] every 12 hours and 14 days, respectively. Rifam
pin should be considered in the initial antimicrobial treatment of hepatosp
lenic cat-scratch disease.