The factors affecting the feasibility of cryogenically cooled CMOS are revi
ewed. This approach becomes more attractive as CMOS feature sizes shrink be
low 250 nm where chip performance is limited by interconnect characteristic
s. The impact of interconnects is demonstrated using a methodology for esti
mating interconnect-limited CMOS performance. The cryogenic behavior of nor
mal and superconducting interconnects is reviewed. Cooling the best normal
interconnect metals such as Al or Cu to 77 K can produce 9x lower resistivi
ty. High-temperature superconductors can produce lower resistance at GHz cl
ock frequencies, but would be difficult to produce on low dielectric substr
ates compatible with silicon technology. Performance doubling has been demo
nstrated for CMOS circuits operating at liquid nitrogen temperature. Compar
able performance improvements may be expected down to below 100 nm if proce
ss technology is adjusted appropriately. In addition, dramatic increases in
DRAM storage times result from exponential decreases in subthreshold leaka
ge currents. Circuit reliability should increase correspondingly, apart fro
m hot-carrier induced degradation. Thermally efficient packages and refrige
rators are required fbr cryogenic CMOS. Microchannel heat. exchangers can p
roduce thermally efficient cryogenic packages. However, thermodynamic limit
s to refrigerator performance may make operation at higher cryogenic temper
atures more attractive.