Photoperiod-sensitive (PS) sorghums (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) are not unc
ommon, but the production of a PS hybrid from two photoperiod insensitive (
PI) lines is unusual. The inbred Line EBA-3 is PI, but F-1 hybrids of EBA-3
with most other PI inbreds are PS and will not initiate floral development
until daylengths are <12 h and 20 min. The objective of this study was to
determine the inheritance of the PS response. Ten PI inbred lines were cros
sed as females with EBA-3 by hand emasculation and pollination. F-1 and F-2
populations were evaluated for photoperiod response as indicated by flower
ing date in plantings at College Station and Halfway, TX. F-2:3 progeny for
two of the crosses plus two testcrosses were used to confirm F-2 segregati
on data. Nine of ten F-1 progeny were strongly PS. Plants in nine F-2 popul
ations segregated for photoperiod response. Segregation in eight of the F-2
populations fit a 9:7 PS/PI ratio, indicating that two independent gene lo
ci were interacting in complementary dominant epistasis. Evaluation of cros
ses between EBA-3 and maturity standards for the Ma(1), Ma(2), Ma(3), and M
a(4) loci indicated that the loci responsible for this photoperiod sensitiv
ity are different from previously characterized loci. The gene symbols prop
osed for these two loci are Ma(5) and Ma(6).