Objective.-To determine the accuracy of caloric labeling of ''diet'' a
nd ''health'' foods and whether the accuracy differs for certain categ
ories of food suppliers. Design.-Survey; ''diet'' and ''health'' foods
were analyzed via bomb calorimetry and categorized as regionally dist
ributed, nationally advertised, or locally prepared. Setting.-Foods we
re sampled from retail merchants throughout the borough of Manhattan,
New York, NY. Sample.-A convenience sample of 40 food items including
regionally distributed (n=12), nationally advertised (n=20), and local
ly prepared items (n=8). Main Outcome Measures.-Number of kilocalories
per item and number of kilocalories per gram. Results.-All locally pr
epared foods had more actual than labeled kilocalories. The mean perce
ntage of actual kilocalories greater than the labeled kilocalories (me
an percentage over label) per item was 85.42% (SD=77.88%; P=.01). Regi
onally distributed foods had significantly more kilocalories than were
reported (P=.001 for kilocalories per item, P=.02 for kilocalories pe
r gram) and mean percentage over label per item was 25.22% (SD=15.58%)
and per gram was 14.97% (SD=17.95%). Nationally advertised foods did
not have significantly more actual than reported kilocalories (P=.37 f
or per item, P=.78 for per gram). Mean percentage over label per gram
was -0.01% (SD=9.13%) and per item was 2.18% (SD=13.93%). Conclusion.-
These findings suggest that food labels may be inadequate sources for
caloric monitoring. Health care professionals should consider the accu
racy of caloric labeling when advising patients to use food labels to
help monitor their caloric intake.