We review available data on drug use with respect to the spread of HIV/AIDS
in South America and the Caribbean. Although many information gaps remain,
the emerging picture clearly shows the significant role of both injected c
ocaine and crack cocaine in the Brazilian epidemic, and the increasingly la
rge role of injecting cocaine in the Southern Cone. The Caribbean and the A
ndean regions are thus far spared from extensive diffusion of injecting dru
gs and its consequences. However, these regions are now experiencing a sign
ificant transition, in terms of an increasing role of crack cocaine in the
Caribbean HIV/AIDS epidemic, and the recent introduction of heroin and init
iation of drug injection in the Andean region. Harm-reduction strategies ar
e being implemented for the first time in recent years after a long delay,
but remain primarily restricted to Brazil, and to a lesser extent, Argentin
a. Yet even in these settings, harm-reduction programmes such as needle-exc
hange programmes face considerable challenges with respect to restrictive l
egislation and lack of broader support.