This article considers II-VI compound semiconductors, the realization of ne
w optical devices based on the electrons and holes trapped in low-dimension
al and nanostructures (such as quantum wells, quantum lines, and quantum do
ts) and excitons. Fabrication techniques and a new series of materials are
discussed. As the first step, the formation of the three-dimensional trap s
tructure (quantum dot) as well as its optical properties are described, foc
using on the natural formation process. Then, aiming at the realization of
a new light-emission device based on excitons, a series of materials with l
arge exciton-binding energy (ZnS and ZnO) are described, and the present st
atus of the optical properties is discussed. Especially, the characteristic
s of the optically pumped laser are examined, and the possibilities of new
laser materials are considered. (C) 1999 Scripta Technica.