Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a major survival factor for malignant plasma cells.
In patients with multiple myeloma (MM), cell lines whose survival and prol
iferation are dependent upon addition of exogenous IL-6 have been obtained,
We show here that tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is also a surviv
al factor for myeloma cell lines, although less potent than IL-6, The survi
val activity of TNF-alpha is not affected by anti-IL-6 or anti-gp130 monocl
onal antibodies (mAbs). TNF-alpha also induces myeloma cells in the cell cy
cle and promotes the long-term growth of malignant plasma cell lines. As TN
F-alpha is produced in patients with MM and associated with a poor prognosi
s, these results suggest that anti-TNF-alpha therapies could be useful in t
his disease.