Growth bands of the colonies of the scleractinian coral Porites collected a
t Okinawan coral reefs were counted on Soft-X Ray micrographs, and age and
growth rates of infaunal non-boring organisms were estimated indirectly fro
m the annual coral-growth rings of the host coral. The organisms include a
calcareous-tube polychaete Spirobranchus corniculatus (Grube), a sand-tube
sabellariid polychaete, Idanthyrsus sp., a vermetid gastropod Dendropoma ma
xima Sowerby, a pecten bivalve Pedum spondyloideum Gmelin, and a coral barn
acle Cantellius sp. The three tubicolous former species showed growth in va
rious directions, and 15 to 20 years (S. corniculatus), 8 years (Idanthyrsu
s sp.), and 15 years (D. maxima) longevity were reliable estimates in this
study. In contrast, the pecten bivalve and the coral barnacle showed lesser
longevities, usually less than 7 years, and they grew vertically in almost
the same direction as the host coral; thus, their growth rates can be esti
mated roughly by shell or slit-like hole length in relation to average host
coral growth. We present here a new and practical method to estimate age a
nd longevity of non-boring coral infauna, and we discuss marine organism gr
owth and longevity with emphasis on polychaetes.