Recent studies have suggested that formation of advanced glycation end-prod
ucts (AGEs) in some brain proteins could be associated with Alzheimer's dis
ease. These AGEs can be produced by various sugars (hexose, pentose, glycer
aldehyde and oxidative products of vitamin C). In this study, we quantified
plasma protein glycation specifically derived from glucose in patients wit
h Alzheimer's disease with different grades of cognitive disorders.
Two groups of Alzheimer patients were studied: a group with moderate Alzhei
mer's disease (n=6, 9<MMS<20) and a severe Alzheimer group (n=13, MMS<9) wh
o were compared with an age-matched control group (n=10, MMS>23) and a grou
p of subjects with diabetes (n=31). Protein glycation was evaluated in plas
ma with a highly specific HPLC-UV technique, using furosine, which is the a
cid hydrolysis product of epsilon-deoxy-fructosyl-lysine
Plasma furosine was almost two times higher in subjects with Alzheimer's di
sease (p < .005) than in controls, but still 50% lower than in diabetic pat
ients (P<.02). Pasting plasma glucose levels were significantly correlated
to the furosine concentration. To explain these results, an eventual impair
ment in glucose peripheral use or an increase in protein glycation rate ass
ociated with Alzheimer's disease should be explored.