The regulation of anther dehiscence by relative humidity (RW) was assessed
for detached anthers and detached whole flowers from a limited selection of
apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.),peach [P.persica (L.) Batsch], and almond [P
. dulcis (Mill.) D,A, Webb, syn. P, anygdalus Batsch; P, communis (L.) Arca
ngeli, non Huds.] genotypes, as well as an almond X peach F-2 progeny. Dehi
scence was evaluated, at 33, 64, 87, 93 and 97% RH for detached anthers, an
d at 33, 64 and 97% RW for whole detached flowers, Anther dehiscence was su
ppressed with increasing RH for all genotypes. Apricot anthers showed the g
reatest dehiscence at low RE and measurable dehiscence at high RE even when
detached. Anther dehiscence In almond appeared more suppressed than in apr
icot at all RH levels tested, being completely suppressed by high RE in det
ached anthers, Peach genotypes exhibited the full range of variability betw
een apricot and almond patterns. Evidence for transgressive segregation of
RH-controlled anther dehiscence was observed in the occurrence of cleistoga
my in an almond x peach F-2 progeny. Rates of anther dehiscence were approx
imately linear with change in RH in detached anthers but exhibited a more b
uffered, step-wise response when detached whole flowers were tested. Result
s are consistent with field observations, and highlight the low but measura
ble risk of cleistogamy in these species, as well as opportunities to modif
y the breeding systems and crossing environments to facilitate controlled h
ybridization, and to reduce pollination vulnerability to adverse environmen