On the basis of assumptions of ideal liquid mixture, ideal gas behavior, an
d gas-liquid equilibrium, a dynamic model of a system for saturation of a g
as with liquid hydrocarbons was obtained. Comparing experimental data with
simulation runs validated the results; a high degree of accuracy was obtain
ed in the estimates of both volume of liquid and the rate of change of the
composition of the liquid phase. A narrow distribution of boiling points de
termines an almost linear behavior due to strong similarities among the mol
ecules in the liquid mixture; a wide distribution of boiling points gives t
he system very strong nonlinear characteristics. Regardless of the distribu
tion of boiling points, the model presented predicts very accurately the vo
lume change and composition profiles at any given time for any number of co
mpounds in a mixture of hydrocarbons. An analysis of the structure of the m
odel correlated the vapor pressure to the absolute value of the eigenvalues
of the linear system. This analysis allowed us to infer information on the
complexity of the molecular interactions in an apparently simple system of
contact between a gas and a liquid.