This paper addresses the issue of dynamic similarity and intensive property
invariance in scaled bilateral manipulation, and offers a design methodolo
gy based on these considerations. The methodology incorporates dimensional
analysis techniques to define a set of necessary and sufficient conditions
to preserve the dynamic similarity of any physical environment. These techn
iques are utilized to demonstrate that any combination of kinematic and for
ce scaling in a bilateral manipulator control structure will preserve the d
ynamic similarity of any physical environment. Any combination of kinematic
and force scaling, however, will nor in general maintain intensive propert
y invariance between the original and scaled physical environments, and thu
s will result in lost information. As such, the dimensional analysis method
s are further utilized to form the basis of a constrained optimization prob
lem that enables selection of a force scaling factor that minimizes the int
ensive distortion of the environment. The proposed formulation is applicabl
e to any physical environment, including those that are nonlinear and conta
in multiple degrees of freedom. Further, the formulation does not require a
n exact environmental model, provided the parameters that influence the env
ironment are known. The proposed techniques are particularly relevant to bi
lateral manipulation of a microscopic environment (i.e., macro-micro bilate
ral manipulation), since such environments are difficult to model exactly a
nd are largely influenced by nonlinear effects.