Lateral growth of gallium nitride (GaN) films having a low density of dislo
cations and suspended from side walls of [0001] oriented GaN columns and ov
er adjacent etched wells has been achieved without the use of, or contact w
ith, a supporting mask or substrate. Pendeo-epitaxy is proposed as the desc
riptive term for this growth technique. Selective growth was achieved using
process parameters that promote lateral growth of the {<11(2)over bar 0>}
planes of GaN and disallow nucleation of this phase on the exposed silicon
carbide substrate. The large horizontal/vertical growth rate ratio indicate
that the diffusion distances and the rates of diffusion of the reactant sp
ecies along the(0001) surfaces were sufficient to allow them to reach and m
ove along the {<11(2)over bar 0>} surfaces before they were chemically adso
rbed. A four-to-five order decrease in the dislocation density was observed
via transmission electron microscopy in the free-standing laterally grown
GaN relative to that in the GaN columns. Curvature of the {<11(2)over bar 0
>} planes as they approached coalescence, and elongated voids below the reg
ions of coalescence were formed. The use of optimized growth conditions or
more closely spaced columns should eliminate these voids.