Purpose: The existence of asymmetries between the two eyes in number and di
stribution of nerve fibers may provide an early anatomic indication of glau
comatous disruption if a symmetrical pattern of nerve fibers can be shown i
n normal eyes. Normal eyes were tested to determine whether a high degree o
f correspondence of regional nerve fiber layer thickness exists between fel
low eyes.
Methods: Nerve fiber layer thickness was inferred from retardation shift me
asured by a scanning laser polarimeter (Laser Diagnostic Technologies, Inc.
) in 40 volunteers without glaucoma or ocular disease (80 eyes). Total thic
kness and the pattern of nerve fiber thickness over 208 regions was compare
d between the paired eyes.
Results: Inferred nerve fiber layer thickness in companion eyes was highly
correlated. Variation of the total nerve fiber thickness was much less betw
een companion eyes than between eyes of different individuals. In terms of
regional (i.e., local) interocular correspondence, the measurements in the
inferior retina were observed to be highly similar in the two eyes, but a p
ronounced shift of the location of the superior peak (maximum thickness) in
the left eye relative to the right was observed, as were differences betwe
en the mio eyes in the thickness measurements at the nasal and temporal min
Conclusion: Significant interocular asymmetries were detected in regions ot
her than the inferior hemiretina. These interocular asymmetries may reflect
previously unrecognized anatomic nerve fiber differences or systematic ang
ular bias in the instrument for one eye relative to the other. In contrast
to the regional measures, the measures of total thickness were very similar
between companion eyes, suggesting that the assessment of interocular asym
metries of total thickness determined by polarimetry may offer potential fo
r detecting glaucoma.