Allozyme analysis of 16 loci was utilized to determine the genetic relation
ships for four species of mussels in the Tribe Amblemini (Amblema plicata p
licata (Say), Plectomerus dombeyanus (Valenciennes), Quadrula pustulosa pus
tulosa (I. Lea), and Q. quadrula (Rafinesque)). Conspecific genetic distanc
e was quite low between populations for each species, with ranges of 0.012-
0.113. The congeneric distance for Q. p. pustulosa and Q. quadrula was dete
rmined to be 0.333. Distances between genera ranged from 0.396 to 0.787, si
milar ranges to those of other unionid species studied. Genetic distance of
Amblema and Plectomerus was greater than that expected based on previous s
tudies, with Plectomerus more closely related to Quadrula than to Amblema.