As pan of ongoing cooperation between the City of Phoenix and Arizona State
University, a charrette was organized. Planners, landscape architects, env
ironmental scientists, and architects explored concepts for development wit
hin a 110-square-mile (285km(2)) portion of Phoenix. The charrette was the
summation of over a year of environment studies of the planning area. This
part of northern Phoenix occupies a largely undeveloped upper Sonoran deser
t landscape experiencing intense development pressure. Four charrette teams
addressed desert preservation, rural desert development, suburban desert d
evelopment, and growth corridors. This article focuses on some of the strat
egies proposed by the suburban desert development team. One of these called
for an alternative pattern of development aligned with natural drainage co
rridors. Several concepts from the charrette and findings from the environm
ental research were adopted by the City in the revised general plan for the