Objectives: Th-2 type cytokine production (Interleukin-4 [IL-4] and interle
ukin-5 [IL-5]) has been demonstrated to play a significant role in the path
ophysiology of allergic rhinitis (AR), and the treatment of AR with topical
corticosteroids has been shown to reduce the expression of Th-2 type cytok
ines in vivo. However, the contribution and expression of Th-2 type cytokin
e receptors in AR and their response to corticosteroid treatment remain to
be clarified. Objectives of the current study are 1. To examine the express
ion of the cytokine IL-4 and IL-5 receptors (IL-4R and IL-5R in a nasal all
ergen challenge model and to contrast this with the expression of the recep
tor for the Th-1 type cytokine, interferon-gamma receptor (IFN-gamma R), an
d 2. to examine the effects of pretreatment with topical corticosteroid bef
ore allergen challenge on the expression of these same receptors. Study Des
ign: Randomized prospective study involving 14 ragweed-allergic subjects ev
enly divided between placebo and corticosteroid pretreatment. Methods: Immu
nocytochemistry (alkaline phosphatase-antialkaline phosphatase labeling [AP
AAP] technique) was used to stain nasal biopsy specimens before and after a
llergen challenge. Antibodies used included anti-CD3, CD4, CD8, major basic
protein (MBP), IL-4R, IL-5R, and IFN-gamma R Results: Following allergen c
hallenge, we observed a significant increase in the Th-2 type cytokine rece
ptors (IL-4R and IL-5R; P <.05), as well as a significant decrease in the e
xpression of the Th-1 type cytokine receptor (IFN-gamma R P <.05). Pretreat
ment with topical corticosteroids before nasal allergen challenge resulted
in decreased expression of IL-4R (P <.05) and IL-5R (P <.05) and increased
expression of IFN-gamma R (P <.05). Further, IL-4R and IL-5R expression cor
related with eosinophil infiltration in the tissues. Conclusions: We have d
emonstrated that in AR, cytokine receptors for IL-4, IL-5, and IFN-gamma fo
llow a similar pattern to their ligands. In addition, pretreatment with top
ical corticosteroids was shown to alter the cytokine receptor expression pa
ttern from a Th-2 profile more toward a Th-1 profile.