Many biochemical, physiological and behavioural processes show circadian rh
ythms which are generated by an internal timekeeping mechanism referred to
as the biological clock. According to rapidly developing. models, the core
oscillator driving this clock is composed of an autoregulatory transcriptio
n-(post) translation-based feedback loop involving a set of 'clock' genes(1
-6). Molecular docks do not oscillate with an exact 24-hour rhythmicity but
are entrained to solar day/night rhythms by light. The mammalian proteins
Cry1 and Cry2, which are members of the family of plant blue-light receptor
s (cryptochromes) and photolyases, have been proposed as candidate light re
ceptors for photoentrainment of the biological clock(7-10). Here we show th
at mice lacking the Cry1 or Cry2 protein display accelerated and delayed fr
ee-running periodicity of locomotor activity, respectively. Strikingly, in
the absence of both proteins, an instantaneous and complete loss of free-ru
nning rhythmicity is observed. This suggests that, in addition to a possibl
e photoreceptor and antagonistic clock-adjusting function, both proteins ar
e essential for the maintenance of circadian rhythmicity.