The hyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome (HIDS) is a well-defined entity rese
mbling familial Mediterranean fever. HIDS is a systemic inflammatory diseas
e associated with stimulation of T-cell-mediated immunity. These patients a
re at low risk for amyloidosis and are not known to develop nephropathy. We
report a boy of Mediterranean ancestry who exbibited typical HIDS and end-
stage renal failure. Kidney biopsy revealed pauci-immune crescentic glomeru
lonephritis (cGN). We hypothesized that: the glomerular involvement was sec
ondary to the cytokine network activation observed in HIDS. Thus, cGN shoul
d be considered as part of the syndrome, and kidney biopsy should be perfor
med early in the course of the renal disease in patients with HIDS.