Optical phonons in SiO2 samples prepared by the sol-gel method and colored
by doping with Fe and Cu were studied using X-ray diffraction, electron spi
n resonance and infrared spectroscopy. The vibration modes in pure and Cu-
or Fe-doped glasses are investigated as a function of doping concentration
and annealing temperature. It is found that the heat treatments in air atmo
sphere have a remarkable influence on the width of the stretching absorptio
n bands related to the asymmetric vibrations in the SiO2 matrix. A simple d
escription of the different types of vibration modes in the quasilinear Si-
O-Si chain is given and correlated with the characteristics of the phonon b
ands observed. A relation between the bandwidth of these modes and the chan
ge in the phonon scattering rate caused by the Cu or Fe doping is establish
ed. Based on this model, the percentage of Cu incorporated on the Si sites
into SiO2 matrix was calculated. The behavior of the vibration spectra in F
e-doped glasses is different and it indicates less incorporation of this el
ement into the SiO2 matrix.