The possible domain patterns are developed for (111) oriented epitaxial tet
ragonal ferroelectric (FT) films. The domain patterns in the film form as t
he result of phase transition from the paraelectric to ferroelectric state
to minimize the elastic energy of the system at the expense of creating of
domain boundaries and developing non-uniform elastic fields near the film/s
ubstrate interface. Six possible domain variants may form, half of which ar
e related by the inversion of the polarization vector. The possible domain
walls arising between pairs of variants can be derived from the conditions
of the mechanical and charge compatibility. These walls are {101} boundarie
s (pseudocubic indexing) and can either be inclined or normal to film/subst
rate interface. The domain patterns with inclined boundaries have a flat fr
ee film surface and possess non-zero net polarization in the direction norm
al to the film surface, i.e., they correspond to the poled film state. The
domain patterns with normal boundaries lead to 'puckering' of the film surf
ace, simultaneously they are related to the unpoled state of ferroelectric
The coherency defect technique is developed for domain pattern energetics f
or (111) oriented F-T films. The coherency defects include (i) a cross-grid
of edge dislocations with unbalanced densities (which lead to in-plane bia
xial strain field), (ii) Somigliana screw dislocations (which produce alter
nating sense of shear in neighboring domains), and (iii) wedge disclination
s (which are related to out-of-plane rotations in neighboring domains). Ana
lytical calculations of the pattern energy are performed for single embedde
d domain and multidomain patterns. These calculations are based on the use
of screened configurations for representative coherency elements: disclinat
ion and Somigliana screw dislocation dipoles and quadrupoles. It is predict
ed that there is no critical thickness for domain pattern formation in (111
) oriented epitaxial tetragonal ferroelectric films. Tiling of different do
main patterns in complex mesoscopic structures is also discussed and suppor
ted by experimental observations.