Using molecular dynamics simulations with a many-body force field, we studi
ed the deformation of single crystal Ni and NiCu random alloy nanowires sub
jected to uniform strain rates but kept at 300 K. For all strain rates, the
Ni nanowire is elastic up to 7.5% strain with a yield stress of 5.5 GPa, f
ar above that of hulk Ni. At high strain rates, we find that for both syste
ms the crystalline phase transforms continuously to an amorphous phase, exh
ibiting a dramatic change in atomic short-range order and a near vanishing
of the tetragonal sheer elastic constant perpendicular tb the tensile direc
tion. This amorphization which occurs directly from the homogeneous, elasti
cally deformed system with no chemical or structural inhomogeneities exhibi
ts a new mode of amorphization. [S0031-9007(99)08867-5].