In the interaction between grapevines and Botrytis cinerea, one of the main
aspects of pathogenicity is fungal ability to degrade phytoalexins synthes
ized by the plant in response to infection. Laccase-like stilbene oxidase a
ctivity in liquid cultures of B. cinerea has been shown to be related to th
e decrease of phytoalexin concentrations. Recent research and results prese
nted in this paper determined the chemical structure of a pterostilbene met
abolite produced by B, cinerea. Study of degradation of pterostilbene that
has just one free hydroxy phenyl group function allowed us to determine the
oxidative dimerization process undergone by grapevine phytoalexins after B
. cinerea infection. The phytopathological significance of this degradation
process in the B, cinerea interaction has also been discussed.