The reoccurrence of water molecules in crystal structures of RNase T1 was i
nvestigated. Five waters were found to be invariant in RNase T1 as well as
in six other related fungal RNases. The structural, dynamical, and function
al characteristics of one of these conserved hydration sites (WAT1) were an
alyzed by protein engineering, X-ray crystallography, and O-17 and H-2 nucl
ear magnetic relaxation dispersion (NMRD). The position of WAT1 and its sur
rounding hydrogen bond network are unaffected by deletions of two neighbori
ng side chains. In the mutant Thr93Gln, the Gln93N epsilon 2 nitrogen repla
ces WAT1 and participates in a similar hydrogen bond network involving Cys6
, Asn9, Asp76, and Thr91. The ability of WAT1 to form four hydrogen bonds m
ay explain why evolution has preserved a water molecule, rather than a side
-chain atom, at the center of this intricate hydrogen bond network. Compari
son of the O-17 NMRD profiles from wild-type and Thr93Gln RNase T1 yield a
mean residence time of 7 ns at 27 degrees C and an orientational order para
meter of 0.45. The effects of mutations around WAT1 on the kinetic paramete
rs of RNase T1 are small but significant and probably relate to the dynamic
s of the active site.