Background: It has been hypothesized that the yearly menarche rhythm could
be caused by the seasonal variation of photoperiod and temperature or by th
e annual distribution of the scholar vacation and study periods. Aim: To te
st the hypothesis that the distribution of study vacation periods is a cond
ition that modifies the annual menarche rhythm. Subjects and methods: Two t
housand ninety four school girls from Chile, 2.356 girls from Madras, India
, 3.454 girls from Medellin, Colombia and 2.627 girls from Debrecen, Hungar
y, were studied. They were asked about the month of their menarche. Vacatio
n months were considered those with more than 6 days of leave from school.
Results: the seasonal hypothesis was refuted because there were contradicti
ons with the expected antithetical behavior in both hemispheres, there was
a significant heterogeneity of the yearly menarche among girls from the sam
e region, the expected cline of the menarche frequency variance from equato
r to poles was not observed, finding an antithetical cline instead and ther
e was a significant heterogeneity among months of the same season. On the o
ther hand, months with vacation periods coincided significantly with peaks
of menarche, while study months had lower proportion of menarche (total bin
omial probability <10-6). Girls whose month of menarche was the same as the
ir month of birth, did not agree completely with the vacation-study hypothe
sis as the rest of the sample. Conclusions: Vacation periods influenced men
arche rhythm. However these periods coincide with most cultural events and
this strong association needs further study to be considered causal. It is
not possible to assume school stress as the main explanatory variable. Onto
genetic factors such as birth imprinting also can influence the menarche rh
ythm. as shown in girls whose month of menarche coincided with their month
of birth.