Quaestus (Speogeus) littoralis n. sp. (Coleoptera : Cholevidae, Leptodirinae). Biogeographical and evolutionary considerations on the cave-dwelling fauna in Sierra del Sueve (Asturias, Spain).
Jms. Costas, Quaestus (Speogeus) littoralis n. sp. (Coleoptera : Cholevidae, Leptodirinae). Biogeographical and evolutionary considerations on the cave-dwelling fauna in Sierra del Sueve (Asturias, Spain)., REV SUI ZOO, 106(1), 1999, pp. 81-90
Quaestus (Speogeus) littoralis n. sp. from Sierra del Sueve is described. T
he main distinguishing characters of the new species are the shape of the m
esosternal carina and the aedeagus. The affinity with close species and the
position within the subgenus Speogeus are discussed. Finally, the possible
colonization of the karstic area of Sierra del Sueve and the evolutionary
process of the four Leptodirinae species found in the western Cantabric reg
ion are analysed.