A challenging problem for research in computational auditory scene analysis
is the integration of evidence derived from multiple grouping principles.
We describe a computational model which addresses this issue through the us
e of a 'blackboard' architecture. The model integrates evidence from multip
le grouping principles at several levels of abstraction, and manages compet
ition between principles in a manner that is consistent with psychophysical
findings. In addition, the blackboard architecture allows heuristic knowle
dge to influence the organisation of an auditory scene. We demonstrate that
the model can replicate listeners' perception of interleaved melodies, and
is also able to segregate melodic lines from polyphonic, multi-timbral aud
io recordings. The applicability of the blackboard architecture to speech p
rocessing tasks is also discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All right
s reserved.