There are two primary purposes of this paper. The first is to summarize the
results of a survey conducted in a rural area of Kentucky on attitudes and
behaviors regarding substance use. The second purpose is to examine differ
ences in drug attitudes and behaviors for higher and lower density rural ar
eas. Participants for this study were contacted by telephone in March 1996.
The sample was generated by random digit dialing for eight county telephon
e exchanges. The sample included 334 respondents from the eight counties wh
o were grouped into respondents from higher density areas (n = 132) and low
er density areas (n = 202). Results indicated that respondents from both hi
gher density and lower density areas were similar on drug use and attitudes
. However, lower density areas reported their county as a worse place to li
ve and less safe than respondents from higher density areas. Respondents fr
om lower density areas were also more likely to report there was more alcoh
ol/drug use and more alcohol bootlegging in the past year, and that bootleg
ging alcohol is a serious problem in their county. Future research could in
clude the examination of heterogeneity of rural areas using different indic