Background. A large animal model of total hepatectomy is suitable to test t
he efficacy of any system designed to support patients in hepatic coma. The
models previously described in the pig entail a significant degree of surg
ical trauma, which might alter the evolution of the ensuing hepatic failure
and compromise the reproducibility of the model.
Methods. Twenty-eight pigs underwent a total hepatectomy according to a new
technique. A model was considered satisfactory when it required no blood t
ransfusions and when hematologic and hemodynamic parameters determined befo
re, during, and until 4 hours after hepatectomy showed no significant varia
tions. Moreover, to revive the pattern of hepatic coma produced in the anhe
patic model, 7 pigs were monitored until brain death occurred.
Results. Twenty-five pigs (89%) underwent a smooth total hepatectomy with m
inimal variations of the selected parameters. They constituted a highly hom
ogeneous group. Survival of the 7 pigs, followed up until brain death occur
red, ranged from 625 to 1595 minutes (mean 1013.57 minutes). The animals re
mained stable until a few hours before brain death, an event heralded by a
final sharp increase of the serum ammonia level and by a well-evident decli
ne of both arterial pressure and liver-dependent clotting factors.
Conclusions. This technique of total hepatectomy allows the construction of
a reproducible model of anhepaty suitable to test the efficacy of any syst
em conceived to temporarily replace hepatic functions.