Mechanical circulatory support has become an established procedure for brid
ging patients to cardiac transplantation. One of the devices available is t
he Thoratec VAD, which can be applied for univentricular or biventricular s
upport. Between March 1992 and June 1997, 74 patients were bridged with Tho
ratec VAD to cardiac transplantation. In 67 patients the system was applied
exclusively (26 LVAD, 38 BVAD, 3 TAH), in 7 patients subsequently or in co
mbination with another MCS device. 71.6% with exclusive Thoratec applicatio
n underwent transplantation with a posttransplant survival rate of 90%, 4 p
atients are still waiting. Transplant rate in LVAD and BVAD patients was 84
% and 71.4%, respectively, posttransplant survival 95.2% and 88%, respectiv
ely. 28.6% with a combined application of Thoratec and another MCS device s
urvived to be discharged from hospital. Main complications were bleeding, l
iver failure, multiple organ failure, and infections. In terms of reliabili
ty and efficacy the Thoratec VAD is the system of choice for mid-term appli
cation in patients bridged to cardiac transplantation.