Quality of life (QOL) in patients with gastric cancer who underwent total g
astrectomy has so far not been studied using the EORTC QLQ-C30 (Quality of
Life Core Questionnaire of the European Organization for Research and Treat
ment of Cancer) as a standardized European QOL instrument. The aim of this
study was to evaluate the effect of radical procedures such as extensive ly
mph node resection and combined resection of adjacent organs on patients' Q
OL. From 1992 to 1996, 152 patients underwent total gastrectomy. All patien
ts alive on July 1, 1996 were included in the study (77/152), For assessing
QOL, the EORTC QOL questionnaire QLQ-C30 version 2.0 and a validated gastr
ic cancer module were sent home to the patients for self-completion. The re
sponse rate was 91%. It was possible to evaluate the questionnaires of 62 p
atients who had undergone resection,vith curative intent including 13 exten
ded gastrectomies (21%). Of the 62 resections, 50 were combined with D2 lym
phadenectomy (80.6%). The global health status was not negatively influence
d by D2 lymphadenectomy and extended gastrectomy. Patients with splenectomy
were more affected by treatment than patients without splenectomy. Radical
gastrectomy combined with D2 lymphadenectomy is the treatment of choice fo
r gastric cancer patients, concerning not just survival but QOL as well.