Public health efforts in the area of sudden infant death syndrome (SID
S) have met with considerable success. Campaigns focusing on infant sl
eeping recommendations have been followed by a 70% decrease in mortali
ty due to SIDS. To ensure that this decrease will be sustained over ti
me, efforts are needed to raise awareness among health care profession
als that infants should be put to sleep on their backs on safe beds. H
owever, hundreds of families are still affected by the sudden and as y
et partly unexplained tragedy of SIDS, which carries in its wake a hea
vy burden of guilt. Appropriate management of SIDS includes a medical
and scientific portmortem examination and prolonged psychological and
human support. Every effort should be made to further decrease the inc
idence of SIDS via smoking cessation interventions, prophylactic treat
ment of hyperthermia, and education regarding safe sleeping conditions