Objectives To estimate odontogenic bacteraemia following three differe
nt types of local anaesthetic injections, namely: buccal infiltration
analgesia (BIA), conventional intraligamental analgesia (CIA), and mod
ified intraligamental analgesia (MIA). Patients and meth ods The bacte
raemia-producing potential of three methods of injecting local analges
ic solution was determined by taking blood samples, using aseptic tech
nique, from 143 children, aged 1 year 11 months to 19 years 4 months,
undergoing general anaesthesia for dental extractions. Of these 143 ch
ildren, a subgroup of 50 had blood taken before any dentogingival mani
pulative procedures to provide a baseline level of bacteraemia. The in
jection methods were buccal infiltration, conventional intraligamental
, and a modified intraligamental. The blood samples were taken 30 seco
nds after injection and cultured in aerobic and anaerobic broth cultur
es (Bactec) and from lysis filtration vials (Isolator). Results The pe
rcentage prevalence of bacteraemia was: baseline level 8%; buccal infi
ltration analgesia 16%; modified intraligamental analgesia 50%; and co
nventional intraligamental analgesia 97%. These values were statistica
lly significantly different using the chi-squared test (P < 0.001). Th
e mean value for colony forming units per millilitre (Isolator system)
was 252 (sd = 646) for the intraligamental technique but zero for bas
eline, infiltration and modified intraligamental techniques. Conclusio
ns All local anaesthetic techniques studied were associated with bacte
raemia which may have implications for antibiotic prophylaxis for dent
al treatment. The intraligamental techniques had statistically signifi
cantly greater percentage prevalence of bacteraemia compared with base
line. The modified intraligamental technique causes significantly less
bacteraemia than the conventional intraligamental technique.