Emotional labor is what workers do with their feelings to comply with
organizational role requirements. This article explores the concept in
professional organizations, examining the psychotherapeutic discourse
of objectivity, neutrality, and care as feeling rules. Based on a stu
dy in a residential psychiatric facility in Israel, the authors found
that counselors labored to display aspired professional feelings despi
te the absence of memos, protocols, or training sessions. Who told the
m to do so? How did they know what to feel? The authors claim that the
rapeutic discourse constitutes professional feelings through the use o
f specific concepts and techniques. However, the term professional fee
lings disguises a complicated process of negotiation between different
ideologies. The difference between two groups of counselors indicates
that both scientific and intersubjective knowledge represent modes of
emotional control. The authors claim, thus, that emotional labor in p
rofessional service organizations is the product of contested professi
onal discourse.