Using an in vitro peptide stimulation strategy, two chimpanzees that w
ere acutely infected by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) produced periphera
l blood CTL responses to several HBV-encoded epitopes that are known t
o be recognized by class I-restricted CTL in acutely infected humans.
One animal responded to three HBV peptides that, in humans, are restri
cted by HLA-A2; the other animal responded to three peptides that are
restricted by HLA-B35 and HLA-BSI, members of the HLA-B7 supertype in
man. The peptides recognized by each chimp corresponded with the abili
ty of its class I molecules to bind peptides containing the HLA-A2 and
HLA-B7 supermotifs. Similar, apparently class I-restricted CTL respon
ses to some of these peptides were also detected in occasional HBV-uni
nfected chimps. These results demonstrate that the CTL repertoire over
laps in humans and chimps and that the HLA-A2 and HLA-B7 supertypes ex
tend to the chimpanzee. Based on these results, the immunogenicity and
efficacy of vaccines designed to induce CTL responses to human HLA-re
stricted viral epitopes may be testable in chimpanzees.