In the past, each new network element of a wireless network had a corr
esponding management system to provide management capabilities. Each o
f these management systems had a different user interface, employed a
different computing platform, and typically managed one type of networ
k element. The total O&M system was the sum of these independent resou
rces, consuming partial solutions that made network management tasks i
nefficient, complex, time consuming, and expensive to administer. Larg
e operations costs borne from these inefficiencies were once buffered
by large cellular operator profits. With the introduction of PCS, oper
ators became extremely cost conscious and sought to eradicate these la
rge costs. Additionally, wireless service providers moved into a mixed
vendor environment, where network elements manufactured by several ve
ndors are used, so they could no longer afford different management sy
stems for each network element. In today's environment, a wireless ser
vice provider who can provide better service quality at the lowest pri
ce will be the ultimate winner. The key to providing better service qu
ality at the lowest price is to have efficient network management. As
the wireless industry strives to push wireless prices on par with wire
line, the necessity for reduced network operation and management costs
takes on increasing importance.