Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) prosthetic bypasses in the lower extrem
ity have poor patency rates, particularly in limb salvage cases. Paten
cy and limb salvage rates of PTFE bypasses supplemented by distal inte
rposition vein cuffs were assessed in patients requiring revasculariza
tion for critical limb ischemia, in the absence of a suitable autologo
us saphenous vein. Between October 1993 and April 1996, 163 patients u
nderwent 185 infrainguinal bypasses. Forty-three limbs in 42 patients
(12 women, 30 men; mean age 67 years) did not have a suitable autologo
us saphenous vein (24%) and had femoropopliteal (20) and infrapoplitea
l (23) bypasses performed. Patients were examined prospectively at 3-m
onth intervals during the first year and at 6-month intervals thereaft
er to determine graft patency and limb salvage, Postoperative anticoag
ulation with warfarin was used in 26 patients, Indications for operati
on included limb salvage in 41 extremities (21 rest pain/ulceration or
gangrene, 20 rest pain alone), and disabling claudication in two. Pat
ients were followed clinically for 2-30 months (mean 10 months). Cumul
ative 2-year life-table patencies for all grafts, femoropopliteal and
infrapopliteal bypasses were 64%, 75% and 62%, respectively, Previous
primary patencies at the authors' institution for PTFE bypasses withou
t vein cuffs were 35%, 46% and 12% for the same categories, Cumulative
life-table limb salvage for all PTFE/vein cuff bypasses in the presen
t series was 76% compared with 37% in previous PTFE bypasses without v
ein cuffs, Adjunctive use of distal interposition vein cuffs improves
prosthetic graft patency, while producing satisfactory limb salvage. P
ostoperative anticoagulation did not influence graft patency, PTFE/vei
n cuff for lower-extremity revascularization shows good 2-year patency
and is an acceptable alternate conduit in patients with critical limb
ischemia when autologous saphenous vein is absent. (C) 1998 The Inter
national Society for Cardiovascular Surgery.