Objectives/Hypothesis: The stapedius tendon is routinely transected du
ring stapes surgery. The objective of this study was to evaluate the t
echnique of stapedial tendon preservation during stapes surgery and to
compare results of these cases with cases where the stapedial tendon
was not preserved. Study Design: Retrospective study. Methods: Four gr
oups of patients were evaluated. Two groups had-undergone stapes surge
ry with preservation of the stapedial tendon, One of these groups unde
rwent a laser stapedotomy minus prosthesis (laser STAMP) procedure, wh
ile the other group had a prosthesis inserted. The other two groups ha
d undergone laser stapedotomy with one of two different prostheses bei
ng used. Audiometric data were obtained and reviewed both preoperative
ly and at approximately 6 weeks postoperatively. Results: All groups h
ad overall successful results demonstrating that stapedial tendon pres
ervation is technically possible and does not compromise outcomes. Con
clusions: Eased on the results, it is recommended that the stapedius t
endon be preserved whenever possible during laser stapes surgery. Reas
ons justifying its preservation are discussed.