The interaction effect of applied zinc (Zn) and boron (B) on early veg
etative growth and uptake of Zn and B by two oilseed rape (canola) (Br
assica napus L.) genotypes was investigated in a sand culture experime
nt under controlled environmental conditions. Two genotypes (Yickadee
and Dunkeld) were grown at three Zn levels (0.05, 0.25, and 2.0 mg kg(
-1) soil) and two B levels (0.05 mg kg(-1) soil and 0.5 mg kg(-1) soil
). Dunkeld produced significantly higher shoot and root dry matter tha
n Yickadee at low Zn and low B supply indicating the superiority of Du
nkeld over Yickadee for tolerance to both low Zn and low B supply. Chl
orophyll content of fresh leaf tissue was increased significantly by a
n increase in Zn and B supply. Zinc deficiency enhanced B concentratio
n in younger and older leaves. Boron concentration was higher in older
leaves than in the younger leaves irrespective of B deficiency and su
fficiency indicating immobility of B in two oilseed rape genotypes tes
ted. Zinc concentration was higher in younger leaves than in the older
leaves indicating mobility of Zn. An increased supply of Zn enhanced
B uptake under high boron supply only. Zinc uptake in Dunkeld was enha
nced significantly with an increased rate of B supply under high Zn su
pply, while the effect was not significant in Yickadee. Dunkeld proved
to be more efficient in Zn and B uptake than Yickadee.