The first part of this paper deals with the interaction of first and s
econd nozzle pressures in air-jet spinning of microdenier polyester/co
tton blended yarns. The results show that the first and second nozzle
pressures interact with each other to determine yarn strength. This is
because both the number of wrapper fibers and the length of wrappings
formed at a particular first nozzle pressure depend on the level of t
he second nozzle pressure and vice versa. There is an optimum number o
f wrapper fibers and wrapping lengths that yields the maximum yam stre
ngth, and this optimum level can be obtained at several different nozz
le pressure combinations because first and second nozzle pressures int
eract with each other. However, it would be advantageous to use the lo
west of these nozzle pressure combinations because of significant savi
ngs in energy costs. The second part of this paper investigates the ef
fect of yam delivery speed, first nozzle pressure, and blend ratio on
the hairiness profile of microdenier polyester/cotton blended air-jet
spun yarns. The results show that yam hairiness increases with increas
ed yam delivery speed and first nozzle pressure, but decreases with in
creasing amounts of polyester in the yarn. Also, the three factors (ya
rn delivery speed, first nozzle pressure, and blend ratio) interact wi
th one another in determining yarn hairiness.