Members of the bcl-2 gene family encode proteins that function either
to promote or to inhibit apoptosis. Despite numerous efforts, the mech
anism of action of Bcl-2, an anti-apoptotic protein, is still not clea
r. In particular, the relation between Bcl-2 and the endoplasmic retic
ulum (ER) calcium store is not well-understood. In the present work, w
e examined the effect of Bcl-2 on the ER store. We demonstrate that ov
erexpression of Bcl-2 in breast epithelial cells modulates ER store by
upregulating calcium pump (SERCA) expression,without affecting the re
lease channel (IP3R). The steady state levels of SERCA2 mRNA and prote
in were both increased in Bcl-2 expression clones. The increase in SER
CA2 protein leads to accelerated calcium uptake and enhanced Ca2+ load
ing. In addition, we also show the detection of intracellular interact
ion between Bcl-2 and SERCA molecules by co-immunoprecipitation. Since
high lumenal Ca2+ concentration of ER is essential for normal cell fu
nctions, the results suggest that Bcl-2 preserves the ER Ca2+ store by
upregulating SERCA gene expression as well as by a possible interacti
on with the pump.