A study about the forest vegetation occurring along the shores of the
Garda lake is presented. The investigation emphasized a noteworthy veg
etation diversity, related both to the habitat heterogeneity and to th
e still present traces of several climatic changes that affected the a
rea beginning from the Quaternary period. The examinated woodlands are
the result of a compenetration between evergreen characteristic speci
es of the Quercetea ilicis class, representing relicts of the climacic
vegetation during the peak of the post-glacial anathermic phase, and
deciduous mesothermophilous elements belonging to the Querco-Fagetea c
lass order, which better reflect the present macroclimate. On the basi
s of historical, chorological and ecological factors, 10 associations
have been individuated, belonging to 5 alliances: Quercion ilicis, Eri
co-Querciop ilicis, Tilio platyphylli-Acerion pseudoplatani, Ostryo-Ca
rpinion orientalis and Alno-Ulmion. Apart from the floristic-physiogno
mic point of view, the associations result well characterized also by
their different edaphic, microclimatic and topographic exigences; Quer
cetea ilicis stands are most often linked to well-drained hardly-slopi
ng sites, where there is little competition due to more mesic species
and where the human impact is lower.